Round concrete lid on a electrical pit on a nature strip marked with Electrical, Melbourne, Australia, 2015

Don’t Let NIMBYs Kill Green Power

NIMBY local pols and naysayers wrecked the housing market in Massachusetts. Now, they’re threatening to do the same thing with the state’s new clean energy industry unless Beacon Hill can stop them.

Stop. You’re Making It Worse

Recent hoopla about soft landings aside, the Federal Reserve’s drive to bring down prices has made immeasurably worse what was already the most expensive item in Americans’ budgets: the cost of housing.

Be Careful What You Wish For, Madam Mayor

Don’t like the Boston Planning & Development Agency? Think it’s too close to developers and business interests and should be abolished? Just amp up the fractious Boston City Council’s influence on what gets built.

Downtown office building bounce around the reflected evening light.

The Next Banking Panic?

Nearly a year after SVB’s failure, a potentially bigger banking crisis is looming, this time centered on the troubled world of commercial real estate loans made on what are now half-empty downtown office towers across the country.

It’s the Housing, Stupid

The housing crisis has gone national, spreading from Boston and a few other blue cities to states and markets across the country. And along the way, it is helping poison the nation’s political mood by deferring or killing the dreams of a generation.