The Baker administration announced the launch of the new website, redesigned to better meet the needs of thousands of constituents visiting it on a daily basis.

The website has been in design-and-development since late 2016 and been improved through pilot tests, user research and public feedback over the last several months.

“The new is a much more responsive and flexible product that can be used on various devices by people of all ages and abilities,” Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito said in a statement. “The commonwealth’s design team went through extensive lengths to ensure the new website can be used by everyone.”

Massachusetts Digital Services has worked on the website. Key strategies to continuously improve the website over time include:

  • Dashboards to give the commonwealth continuous feedback from constituents on how web content performs so organizations can be proactive and methodical about making improvements.
  • Open source technology used by many large companies and universities. Now when other organizations make improvements, Massachusetts can leverage these innovations, too.
  • The ability to publish content in formats usable by developers. This means state organizations, cities and towns, and third-party developers will be able to build apps and integrations with the state’s platform, and innovations can be smaller, faster and cheaper.

State Government Website Revamped With User Accessibility In Mind

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min