Jay Ash. (State House News Service Photo / Sam Doran)

The Baker administration is getting ready to make another hard push for its housing production bill.

Four former housing and economic development secretaries plan to join the governor for a press conference Wednesday afternoon to highlight Baker’s bill (H.3507) and talk about negative economic impacts from the state’s housing crisis.

The 3:15 p.m. press conference outside Gov. Charlie Baker’s office will feature Ranch Kimball, who served under Gov. Mitt Romney, and Dan O’Connell and Greg Bialecki, who served during Gov. Deval Patrick’s administration.

Former Baker administration Housing and Economic Development Secretary Jay Ash and MassHousing Executive Director Chrystal Kornegay will also be featured at the press conference, along with Aaron Gornstein, president of Preservation of Affordable Housing.

“As renters struggle with paying more than 30 percent of their income toward rent and as potential homeowners deal with single-family home prices that have increased faster than any other state, the progress Massachusetts has made in economic growth and development is at risk,” the four secretaries wrote in a Boston Business Journal op-ed on Tuesday.

Baker’s bill remains before the Housing Committee, which held a hearing on it in May. Lawmakers have not indicated when they’ll return from summer recess, or specified a fall agenda.

The bill lowers the threshold for zoning changes from a two-thirds majority of the relevant municipal body to a simple majority. Housing production has slowed dramatically in recent decades, leading to a shortage in supply, and critics of the status quo say many housing developments are scuttled by a minority of local opponents.

Baker Deploys Former Housing Secretaries to Push Bill

by State House News Service time to read: 1 min