Bernice Ross

What does it take to create a profitable business in 2019? It all starts with your mindset. If you want to net more from your real estate business, follow the tips below.  

Create a BHAG – big, hairy, audacious goal.

Although this exercise will make you uncomfortable, it is well worth doing. The first step in the process is to write down your income goal for 2019 and then double it. Next, double that number again. For example, if you set an income goal of making $50,000, your BHAG would be $200,000.  

When you create a BHAG, achieving your original goal becomes easier and you may even be able to surpass it. While you may not hit $100,000 or $200,000, working towards your BHAG may result in you making $75,000 – 50 percent more than your original goal would have produced.  

Let go of disempowering self-talk.

In the exercise above, how did you feel when you first doubled the number? How about the second time you doubled it? Take note of your negative self-talk and recognize what these thoughts are – self-imposed barriers that stand in the way of increased profitability for your business.  

Rather than letting this negative self-talk run rampant in your head, write down all those excuses and justifications. Are any of these reasons actually valid?  

For example, you may need an assistant to do more transactions. One way to reset your mindset would be to let go of having to do everything yourself, determine what you can delegate and then hire someone else to handle those parts of your business.  

The commonly held belief “Being in real estate is tough” is used as an excuse. Does that belief make you feel better when you paycheck is less than you want?  

Listen to what comes out of your mouth. Your spoken word is the outer reflection of your beliefs. If you catch yourself complaining or embracing the negative thoughts, notice and stop it. Your circumstances don’t determine your results. Your reaction to them does.   

If you utter something negative, stop and reframe the thought to a different view. For example, instead of saying, “Today’s real estate market is really tough,” say, “This market has unusual opportunities.”  

Create a negativity-free mindset.

You can do this by limiting exposure to TV and radio. Instead, read, listen to motivational authors or spend time with people who make you feel good. 

There is little you can do to change a negative environment. Your best option is to get away from it as quickly as possible. Also, limit your exposure to toxic people.  

When someone starts to whine or complain to you, stop them by saying: “Tell me one thing that went right today.”  

Don’t let shoulds rule you.

One of the most common ways we experience a negative mindset is when we use the word “should.” It is almost always used as a type of manipulation. If you listen to when other people use the word, you can hear that they’re trying to get someone else to do what they want. Also, listen when you use it. Many people use the word should to beat themselves up. Try going on a “should” diet for a week and see how much better you feel.  

Laugh a lot.

Research shows that one of the best ways to keep your heart healthy is to have 100 belly laughs a day. Laughter strengthens your immune system by releasing beta endorphins. When people are happy and laugh a lot, they almost never get sick. 

Have a higher purpose.

It doesn’t have to be your work, but find something that you love to do and take time to regularly enjoy that activity.  

Love your body.

Love your body by giving it healthy food, plenty of water and one more hour of sleep each night. Also, move your body more, listen to music you love and enjoy physically soothing activities every single day. 

The key point to remember is every chunk of negativity that you eliminate brings you closer to having the right mindset to achieve your goals. 

Bernice Ross is a nationally syndicated columnist, author, trainer and speaker on real estate topics. She can be reached at 

Reset Your Mindset for Success in 2019

by Bernice Ross time to read: 3 min