State Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg yesterday announced the launch of a new initiative to focused on exploring challenging barriers to, and successful strategies for, diversifying corporate boards.

Goldberg’s office will in May host roundtable discussions focused on various industries including finance, information technology, health care, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. Following the roundtables, the Treasurer’s office will publish a report designed to help companies implement effective strategies for advancing board diversity.

“In a 21st century global marketplace, maximizing financial success requires improving boardroom diversity,” Goldberg said in a statement. “We look forward to studying proven strategies around the country and engaging with a wide range of corporate leaders and experts to help them drive tangible progress on this critical business issue.”

The initiative, “Bringing Diversity on Board,” aims to bring together an array of stakeholders to engage in discussions about not only how to enhance board diversity, but also how diverse governance boards help companies maximize profits, expand business opportunities and best serve the interests of shareholders. The roundtables will explore industry-specific challenges related to advancing board diversity.

Goldberg has made shareholder engagement and corporate governance key priorities since taking office in 2015.

Treasurer Launches Board Diversity Initiative

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min